Warehouse & Fulfillment


Aided client’s focus on mission-critical objectives.

Increased speed-to-market for product samples.

Improved accuracy of sales forecasts.


Transitions had a large-scale need to promote its product sample kits and marketing/educational material to 10,000+ optometry offices in the U.S. These kits featured product samples and marketing/educational collateral from multiple partners. Their previous process was slow, causing frustration and reduced revenue potential. 


Transitions chose our team as its single-source partner. To fulfill its needs, we put a plan together for: 

  • Receiving sample product
  • Producing marketing material
  • Kitting and fulfilling
  • Shipping directly to consumers
  • Building an eStore that gives 24/7 access to daily materials and order shipments


Here’s how our performance and approach improved the client’s results: