

Significantly reduced time to find and hire employees.

Implemented a benefits-oriented approach to all communications.

Positioned client distribution centers as most desirable employer.


Walmart is the largest retailer and private employer in the world, and a leader in corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity. The retail giant struggled to locate applicants to meet its distribution center needs. Additional challenges included an increased e-commerce demand and the regional concentration of competitor fulfillment centers.


Our team evaluated the client’s existing approach. This helped us identify the ideal applicant profile and formulate a two-step recruiting strategy. It focused on filtering applicant demographics through rooftop mapping software. This approach enabled us to:

  • Target applicants most likely to fill open positions in a long-term capacity.
  • Increase applicant pipeline by using incentivized marketing.
  • Employ a benefit-centered approach that used localized messaging of positions and event details.
  • Combine our efforts with Walmart branded creative and corporate-approved content.


Our Authentic Marketing approach generated these transformative and sustainable results:

  • Identified and appealed to applicants most likely to respond.
  • Decreased total time investment and overall spend by distribution center human resources managers.
  • Significantly reduced time to find and hire employees.
  • Implemented a benefits-oriented approach to all communications.
  • Positioned client distribution centers as more desirable employer compared to other local companies.


Walmart distribution center recruiting communications
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