Member Engagement

Detroit Zoological Society (DZS)

Successful change of a communications strategy.


The client determined that converting its current member newsletter into a quarterly magazine format would be a more effective member communication platform, but this daunting task raised concerns. Key considerations included: 

  • Developing exciting and relevant content
  • Improving efficiency, graphic design and print quality, accountability, and cost-effectiveness
  • Increasing member engagement.
  • Managing the various vendors needed for outsourcing publication content development and project management.
  • Getting cost savings from outsourcing to offset the internal resources needed to manage multiple vendors


Our team provided a solution that included consultation, project management and a variety of other useful services such as content creation, photography and printing and mailing. This all-encompassing approach addressed all the client’s concerns. We analyzed the current publication and made a number of strategic changes. The biggest was creating fun and interesting content that fostered a deeper connection with members while educating them on the organization they support. The response from members was overwhelmingly positive.


Our Authentic Marketing approach generated these transformative and sustainable results:

  • Increased membership engagement.
  • Exceeded client expectations for quality and cost.


The Detroit Zoological Society's Habitat Magazine covers
Creative: Habitat Magazine