Top 3 things you should be doing during COVID-19

COVID-19 and the quarantine are pushing us all to re-evaluate our fundraising efforts and find new ways to keep donors engaged. Trish Dewald, Executive Vice President Nonprofit Development for Phoenix Innovate and Jim Tedford, President and CEO of The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement discussed the issue via Zoom. Trish and Jim recommend that all fundraising organizations:

  1. Keep communicating.
  2. Stay on message.
  3. Take this time to reevaluate your fundraising strategy and review options available that may improve results and long-term sustainability.

This in-depth discussion drills down into the importance of taking another look at your retention efforts as a means to "acquire" a larger base of donor support. Also, how understanding the emotional connection with your donors is the key to strengthening the relationship and increasing their level of support.

While the discussion focuses on animal welfare organizations, their recommendations apply to all non-profit fundraisers.



Kirk Vercnocke
Kirk Vercnocke


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